In the Piedmont Area at Latitude 33o - 39' N, Longitude 82o - 11' W
On the Savannah River:
221.6 miles above the mouth
207.2 miles above Savannah, Georgia
22.0 miles above Augusta, Georgia
37.5 miles below Richard B. Russell Dam
67.3 miles below Hartwell Dam
In Columbia County, Georgia and McCormick County, South Carolina 23 miles southeast of Augusta, Georgia
. percentage square miles
Above the mouth of the Savannah River 100 10,579
Above Augusta, Georgia (Butler Cr. gage) 71 7,508
Above J. Strom Thurmond Dam 58 6,144
Thurmond Local Basin . 3254
Uncontrolled local area (Thurmond Dam to Butler Creek) 1,364
STORAGE VOLUMES Elevation (ft NGVD) Acre-feet
Spillway design flood 344.7 3,700,000
Standard project flood 342.1 3,450,000
Flood control pool 335.0 2,900,000
Maximum conservation pool 330.0 2,510,000
Minimum conservation pool 312.0 1,465,000
Conservation storage, usable 312 to 330 1,045,000
Flood storage 330 to 335 390,000
Surcharge storage 335 to 346 920,000
  Elevation(ft NGVD) Acres
Max Induced Surcharge Pool 346.0 98,500
Spillway design flood 344.7 94,700
Standard project flood 342.1 90,000
Flood control pool 335.0 78,500
Maximum conservation pool 330.0 72,000
Minimum conservation pool 312.0 45,000
  Elevation(ft NGVD)
Top of dam 351.0
Maximum Observed Pool 336.464/11/1964
Minimum Observed Pool 296.42/03/1956
Spillway design flood 344.7
Induced surcharge pool 346.0
Standard project flood 342.1
Top of Tainter gates, closed 335.0
100 year pool elevation 337.9
Flood control pool 335.0
Maximum conservation pool 330.0
Average conservation pool 327.5
Minimum conservation pool 312.0
Spillway crest 300.0
Intake invert for Hydropower 228.0
Spillway bucket lip (varies) 185.0
Elevation, bottom of sluice 190.0
Draft tube exit 160.0
Bottom of draft tube 154.0
  Elevation(ft NGVD)
Switchyard 240.5
Transformers 235.0
  Elevation(ft NGVD)
Spillway design flood 255.0 1,055,000 cfs
Standard project flood 240.0 645,000 cfs
Powerhouse Design flood 240.0 645,000 cfs
Maximum tailwater of record (277,000 cfs) 220.5
7 units Operating at Average Head 193.0
1 units Operating at Average Head 185.0
Average Operating condition 191.0
Streambed 176.0
Concrete gravity and earth embankment with concrete gravity spillway
Length of concrete sections 2,282 feet
Length of earth embankment 3,398 feet
Maximum height of concrete section 200 feet
Maximum height of earth embankment 151 feet
Length of intake section 434 feet
Number of sluices 8
Width of sluices 4 feet
Height of sluices 9 feet
Gross length of spillway 1,096 feet
Length of clear opening 920 feet
Tainter gates (23) each 40 feet wide by 35 feet high
Width of Gate 40 feet
Height of Gate 35 feet
Type of Bucket Submerged Roller Bucket
Radius of bucket 50 feet
DESIGN FLOWS Cubic feet per second
Standard Project Flood (SPF)
Peak Reservoir Inflow 645,000 cfs
Maximum Estimated Outflow 560,000 cfs
Spillway Design Flood
Peak Reservoir Inflow 1,180,000 cfs
Maximum Estimated Outflow 1,055,000 cfs
Conventional Operating Units 752 MW
Service Units Two
Maximum net operating head 152 feet
Average operating head 136 feet
Minimum operation head 118 feet
Turbine capacity at average head 55,000 hp per unit
Maximum discharge at critical head 4,920 cfs per unit
Length of draft tube 59 feet
Total installation 364 MW
Average annual energy 654,701,000 kilowatt-hours
Generator rating (0.9 pf) 44,444 kva
Generator speed 100 rpm
Generator voltage 13.8 kV
Transformer rating, three three-phase, each 105,000 kva
Transformer rating, one three-phase, 52,500 kva
Transformer voltages, kV 13.2 to 115 kv
Location East (South Carolina) Bank, Downstream
Number of Bays 11
Number of Generator Bays 4
Number of Line Bays 7
Equipment voltage 115 kV