In the Piedmont Physiographic Province at Latitude 34 o 21' north, Longitude 82o 48' west
On the Savannah River:
288.9 miles above the mouth
274.5 miles above Savannah, Georgia
89.3 miles above Augusta, Georgia
67.3 miles above Thurmond Dam
29.8 miles above Russell Dam
In Hart County, Georgia 7 miles east of Hartwell, Georgia 2300 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 29
DRAINAGE AREA percentage square miles
Above the mouth of the Savannah River 100 10,579
Above Augusta, Georgia (Butler Cr. gage) 71 7,508
Above J. Strom Thurmond Dam 58 6,144
Above Richard B. Russell Dam 27 2,890
Above Hartwell Dam 20 2,088
Basin between Russell Dam and Hartwell Dam 8 802
STORAGE VOLUMES Elevation (ft NGVD) Acre-feet
Spillway design flood 674.0 3,430,000
Standard project flood 667.9 3,020,000
Flood control pool 665.0 2,842,700
Maximum conservation pool 660.0 2,550,000
Minimum conservation pool 625.0 1,134,100
Conservation storage, usable 625 to 660 1,416,000
Flood storage 660 to 665 293,000
Surcharge storage 665 to 674 596,000
Switchyard 513 
Distributor 484 
Bottom of draft tube 442 
RESERVOIR AREAS Elevation(ft NGVD) Acres
Spillway design flood (Max Surcharge Pool) 674.0 71,300
Standard project flood 667.9 64,800
Flood control pool 665.0 61,400
Maximum conservation pool 660.0 55,950
Minimum conservation pool 625.0 27,650
Limits of clearing 630 to 661 26,600
below 630 Partial clearing
Top of dam 679.0 
Maximum Observed Pool 665.404/8/1964
Minimum Observed Pool 637.49 12/10/2008
Spillway design flood 674.0
Induced surcharge pool 674.0
Standard project flood 667.9
Top of tainter gates, closed 665.0
100 year pool elevation 666.4
Flood control pool 665.0
Maximum conservation pool 660.0
Average conservation pool 652.0
Minimum conservation pool 625.0
Spillway crest 630.0
Intake invert for Hydropower 500.0
Spillway bucket lip 517.0
Elevation, bottom of sluice 500.0
Draft tube exit 442.0
Concrete gravity and earth embankment with concrete gravity ogee spillway
Length of concrete sections 1900 feet 
Length of earth embankment 15,952 feet 
Maximum height of concrete section 204 feet 
Maximum height of earth embankment 106 feet 
Length of intake section 340 feet 
Number of sluices 2 
Width of sluices 5.67 feet 
Height of sluices 10 feet 
Gross length of spillway 568 feet 
Length of clear opening 568 feet 
Tainter gates (12) each 40 feet wide by 35.5 feet high 
Flip bucket 20 degrees 
Radius of bucket 40 feet 
Spillway design flood 519.3565,000 cfs
Standard project flood 512.0420,000 cfs
(ft NGVD) Design flood 510.0380,000 cfs
Maximum pool of record 491.6 
Four units operating at average head 481.6 
Maximum static condition 482.6 
Streambed 475.0 
DESIGN FLOWS   Cubic feet per second
Spillway Design Flood Peak Reservoir Inflow 875,000 cfs
  Maximum Estimated Outflow 565,000 cfs
Standard Project Flood (SPF) Peak Reservoir Inflow 435,000 cfs
  Maximum Estimated Outflow 325,000 cfs
Initial units four conventional 
Supplimental Units one conventional 
Maximum net operating head 192 feet 
Average operating head 171 feet 
Minimum operation head 142 feet 
Turbine capacity at average head 91,500 hp per unit 
Maximum discharge at minimum head 6500 cfs per unit 
Length of draft tube 66 feet 
Initial installation - four conventional units each at 66 MW initial 85 MW current
Supplemental installation - one conventional unit at 84 MW initial 90 MW current
Total installation 426 MW 
Average annual energy 457,342,000 kilowatt-hours 
Generator rating 90% pf, units 1-4; 95% pf, unit 5 66,000 kva
Generator speed 100 rpm 
Generator voltage 13.8 kV 
Transformer rating two 3-phase 56.6 mva
Transformer voltages, kV 13.2 to 230 
Location west (Georgia) bank, downstream
Initial number of transformer bays 2 
Ultimate number of transformer bays 3 
Line positions 4 
Equipment voltage 230 kV