(This is a clickable image with links to pertinent data.)
Hartwell 657.50 ft-msl, 20 Jan 08:00:00
Hartwell Storage currently 2413000 AC-FT
Hartwell Guide Curve = 656.84 2378133 AC-FT
Hartwell is 0.66 feet above Guide Curve.
92.5% Flood Control Storage Remaining, 429,700 AC-FT
Russell 474.77 ft-msl, 20 Jan 08:00:00
Russell Storage currently 1020127 AC-FT
Russell Guide Curve = 475.00 1026244 AC-FT
Russell is 0.23 feet down from Guide Curve.(475 ft-msl)
95.2% Conservation Storage Remaining, 146,039 AC-FT
Thurmond 326.40 ft-msl, 20 Jan 08:00:00
Thurmond Storage currently 2258000 AC-FT
Thurmond Guide Curve = 326.84 2289111.11111 AC-FT
Thurmond is 0.44 feet down from Guide Curve.
96.2% Conservation Storage Remaining, 642,000 AC-FT
Current System Storage, 5,691,127 AC-FT
Total System Flood Storage Available, 1,215,378 AC-FT
Flood Storage Utilized , 34,867 AC-FT, 2.9%
Flood Storage Remaining , 1,180,511 AC-FT, 97.1%
System Conservation Storage available(GC - Inactive), 2,195,008 AC-FT
Current System Conservation Storage,
2,192,647 AC-FT
Total System Inactive Storage, 3,498,480 AC-FT, 100%
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Savannah River System
Pool Schematic
It is our objective to balance the Hartwell and Thurmond pools in a foot per foot manner for the top 15 feet.
Once the pools have declined below this point, they balance based on percent of depth remaining in their respective conservation pools. If pools decline below Level 1, flow reductions are made from the system in accordance to the Savannah River Basin Drought Plan. These drought releases correspond to the minimum flows needed to support downstream water quality and water supply.